
What's on...

Find out more about upcoming Rainbow fundraising and community events.

FREE COMMUNITY EVENT – please join us on Sunday 6th October at Penley Village Hall from 2pm – 4pm as we celebrate the American Forces who built the Penley hospital and camps with an American Style Tea Dance.
This is a great opportunity to come together as a community to celebrate our unique history.
🎤 Live entertainment
☕ FREE refreshments
👗 1940’s dress (optional)
🎟️ Raffle tickets on sale
📜 celebrate Penley’s history
No need to book, just come along, have fun and embrace our community spirit! We hope to see you there.

Maelor South Litter Pick - June

Join us for an hour long litter pick to keep our village clean and tidy. Meet at the Penley Rainbow Centre at 10am, all age groups and families are welcome and all equipment will be provided.

Email Jackie to register your interest:

Saturday 4th June 2022

Rainbow Centre Penley

from 10am - 11am

Maelor South Litter Pick - July

Join us for an hour long litter pick to keep our village clean and tidy. Meet at the Penley Rainbow Centre at 10am, all age groups and families are welcome and all equipment will be provided.

Email Jackie to register your interest:

Saturday 9th July 2022

Rainbow Centre Penley

from 10am - 11am