Compassionate Cymru

Working with individuals, organisations, and communities to improve how people in Wrexham care, die and grieve.

In 2018, the Welsh Government’s Minister for Health and Social Services set out his aspirations for Wales to become the world’s first ‘compassionate country’. Since then, work has been ongoing to spread the compassionate approach throughout Wales. This has led to the production of a Compassionate Cymru Charter.

In response The Rainbow Foundation has appointed a Wrexham-wide Compassionate Cymru Connector who works with individuals, organisations, and communities to improve how people in Wrexham care, die and grieve.

Planning Ahead

Many people think they do not need to make decisions about their future care unless they are diagnosed with a serious illness or are very unwell. A serious illness might include advanced cancer, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), motor neurone disease (MND) or early dementia.

However, planning ahead is important whether you have a serious illness or not. None of us can know for sure that we will always be able to make our own decisions about our care. For example, if you suddenly became very ill, you may be unable to make decisions about your healthcare or finances.

Knowing your wishes can make it easier for your family, or anyone with a power of attorney for you. It will help them to make decisions about your care on your behalf, with your healthcare professionals. If you plan your care in advance, there is more chance that your care will be right for you. Planning ahead can also help you to feel more in control of your life. You will still be able to alter your plans if you change your mind later.

What is Advance Care Planning (ACP)

A voluntary process of discussion, planning and review about future care between an individual, those close to them and their care provider.

The purpose of the discussion is to help an individual plan ahead for a time when their health may change, and they lose capacity to make their own decisions or the ability to communicate their wishes to others. Advance care planning is particularly important for people who may be reaching the end stage of their lives. 

A person may choose to plan ahead by:​

Making an Advance Statement of their preferences and wishes for their future care

This can include how and where they want to be cared for. For example, if you had an illness that could not be cured and your condition suddenly got worse, you may want to be cared for at home. If your family or healthcare team did not know this, and you were too ill to tell them, you may be taken to hospital.

Creating a Power of Attorney

A person appoints someone to make decisions on their behalf. These may include decisions about property, finances, or their health and welfare.

Making an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment.

A person records decision about treatments they don’t want to have or would want stopped.

Although ACP refers specifically to these three ways a person can plan ahead, it may also prompt a person to make other plans for when they die, such as making a will, registering for organ and tissue donation, and funeral planning. For further information on ACP visit: 

The Kings Fund Podcast

Ruth Robertson speaks to Lesley Goodburn, Professor Bee Wee CBE, John Powell MBE and Angie Arnold to find out more about what needs to happen to make sure everyone gets the care and support they need as they approach the end of their lives.

Bereavement Support

Bereavement is one of the most common of human experiences, but as loss can cause a variety of symptoms which effect people in different ways, it can be unnecessarily traumatic if people do not receive the support they need. 

In response, we have launched four Bereavement Support Groups across three different locations where people can connect with others.

Most people will experience bereavement in their lives which is why we put in place a series of Bereavement Support Groups meeting monthly in Central Wrexham, Marchwiel and Penycae. The aim is to provide a safe space for people to talk in a supportive way about bereavement and what it means to them.

The Rainbow Foundation’s Bereavement Support Groups take place at the Wellbeing Hub in Central Wrexham on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, at Piercy Hall in Marchwiel on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month and at the Church of Nazarene in Penycae on the 3rd Friday of the month.

Contact us today to speak to us about Advanced Care Planning, Bereavement or the Compassionate Cymru charter

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