Fit Futures

A circuit exercise class for the over 50's

Meeting weekly at Piercy Hall in Marchwiel on a Tuesday, this circuit exercise class is designed to keep both the mind and body strong.

Join us  in a safe environment from 10am – 12:30pm on a Tuesday each week for this 45 minute exercise class, then stay for a coffee and chat and enjoy some peer support from your fellow participants.

Are you:

  • aged 50 and over?
  • can you move between exercises independently?


If so, why not come and join us and work towards a fitter future. Contact our Community Agent team on 01948 830242 to book your place.

Tuesdays, 10am - 11:30pm

Piercy Hall, Marchwiel


Our physiotherapist led group exercise sessions promote:

muscle strength


postural stability


heart & lung function

musculo-skeletal conditions

social connections

For more information on our Fit Futures classes or to book your place, please get in touch: