The Rainbow Foundation has launched a new free 10-week programme to help people create healthy habits that will last a lifetime.
“Changing Habits for Life” is a FREE social, psychological and physical behaviour change Programme. Delivered through a combination of extensive tests, customised coaching, lifestyle advice, and peer support, the programme will support participants as they change their habits during the 66-day programme.
Starting with a health assessment to get a clear picture of health and baseline measurements, participants will then be invited to attend two workshop sessions a week for a 10-week period. During the sessions participants will be given health and fitness advice, coaching and support as well as the opportunity to try a variety of exercise classes to suit all ages and abilities.
Initially inspired by ‘The 21 Day Body Turnaround with Dr Michael Mosley’, featured on Channel 4, ‘Changing Habits for Life’ has been enhanced by adopting a wider body of research and proven techniques to initiate lasting change in peoples’ habits, which in turn improves their health outcomes.
Initially inspired by ‘The 21 Day Body Turnaround with Dr Michael Mosley’, featured on Channel 4, ‘Changing Habits for Life’ has been enhanced by adopting a wider body of research and proven techniques to initiate lasting change in peoples’ habits, which in turn improves their health outcomes.
Ian Pope, Director of Operations for The Rainbow Foundation adds “the results so far have been incredible. Not only have participants lost both pounds and inches, but the impact on their motivation and energy levels has made such a positive difference to their everyday lives. If things do start to feel a little tough, then the connections and support network they build during the 10-week programme is there to help.”

Delivered in partnership with Wrexham University, this is what previous participants have to say:
“As a type 1 diabetic, I’ve seen a dramatic improvement in my blood sugar levels since starting the course. My BMI is currently 26.2 and I have lost approximately 7kg in weight” – Maria, participant and Programme Co-Leader
“I can’t believe I lost 17cm off my waist” – Michelle
“My GP agreed I can stop statins as my cholesterol is now under control with diet” – Anthony
‘Having the data has made me think about my visceral fat and body fat differently. It’s not for me to be ashamed of, I’m not fat, I’ve got fat, and I can get rid of it’! – Sue
If you’d like to get involved, The Rainbow Foundation are looking for participants to take part in two new cohorts. A daytime cohort starting in November on Monday and Thursday each week from 10am – 11am and an evening cohort starting in December from 5:30pm – 6:30pm also on a Monday and Thursday each week for 10 weeks. To get involved you must be aged between 18 and 65 and have one or more of the following:
- BMI over 30
- High Cholesterol
- Pre diabetic/diabetic
- High Blood Pressure
Interested? Please email your details to or call The Rainbow Foundation on 1948 830730 to record your interest